Pet Grooming

Dog Grooming

Paradise Pet Resorts takes pet grooming to the next level.

Our dedicated and well-trained staff provide a safe and stress-free experience for your pet.

Our experienced dog groomers never use sedatives and every animal is treated with love, patience, respect, and a gentle touch — the hallmark of all of our services at Paradise Pet Resorts. Let us take care of the tangles, the bathing, and the trimming needs for all your furry friends!

We offer a full-service grooming and pet care salon for your dog. Our professional dog groomers offer a wide range of services, so your pet will always look and feel its very best! We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction. Our affordable prices are based on your pet’s breed, cut, and size.

Every Salon Visit You Make for Dog Grooming Will Include:


Regulated According to Seasonal Temperatures

We always keep our pet grooming salon regulated according to seasonal temperatures, so on warmer summer days we have a cool, air conditioned work space and in cold or rainy weather conditions, our salon is well heated to keep your tail-wagger or your tabby warm and comfortable.

Grooming Prices

We off a full service grooming & pet care salon for your dog.
Pricing subject to change.

Haircuts and other grooming are more accurately priced by Groomer at checkout*

Haircut and Grooming chart prices subject to change by Groomer

Make an Appointment

Check in with us any time by phone to ask about our services, read our FAQs, arrange for a tour, or sign up for our pet cam. And remember the first day with us is always free!

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